d' Unwithering Flower...

Sunday, July 27, 2003

I'm back...penat la 2-3 minggu ni..keje makin menimbun..can't wait for August 7...done with summer class..more then then it's been i can't sleep..paling awal at 3..which is not good pasal kadang tu liat yg amat nak bangun subuh..ingat nak edit setting blogger ni, tah napa link dia tak mau jalan pulak..

When I'm alone..selalu teringat at this one friend..we used to be so close, been through ups n down since spring 2001..but after this one argument, I felt that I had it enough…although it was not my intention to stop talking with “A” but I guess I was tried with “A” we always argue with something that we know that should not be a big issues..but..things just when over and over again…today, it’s been more then a month I didn’t hear any news from “A”…there was a lot of memory with “A”..a person with a great personality..we used to pick on each other even there a lot of rules with “A”
Dear “A”
Forgive me for being rude the other day..I just can’t stand on what you said the other day, that’s why I just ignore what aver you was trying to tell me…hope to hear from you again sometime..take care and may God bless..
posted by lisanwar at 3:07 AM

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