d' Unwithering Flower...

Monday, December 08, 2003

Just before you know it…

Guess what? I’m officially done with my Fall 2003 classes. It was an awesome semester, which I can turn back time and start all over again. Feel like it was just yesterday I came back from my 499 class, feeling confused and scared. Confused either I can go on with that class or not. The syllabus look tough and being girl in that advance admin security class really freak me out. I have 9 other classmate, sound small, when this kind of question pop up “you are with other 9 guys, what is the problem?” sound like a standard motivation question/statement on the first day of class. But look at my classmate profile:

Jason M
Age: 23
~ working as network admin in a private company in East side Indpls.
~ ACM President
~ One of the part time instructors for web design class

Jason B
Age: 29
~ working as network admin for 4 yrs.
~ been dealing with network security for 2 yrs.

Jason K
Age: 25
~ working in network world for 3 yrs.
~ one of top student in CIT dept.

Kyle R.
Age: 30
~ has been in IT field for more then 6 yrs.
~ working with the support center for 3yrs.
~ application, trouble shoot, hardware..he’s the master!

Dean C
Age: 35
~ network admin for one company at speedway for 12 yrs.
~ dept. leader in his dept.

Du N.
Age: 25
~ network admin for 4 yrs.
~ employ by one company in North side Indpls.

Woddy A.
~ Network Technician for 3 yrs.
~ master in programming.

Joel B.
Age: 26
~ had been in tech. support/analysis more then 3 yrs.
~ now working as information systems administrator.

Jay Z.
Age: 24
~ working in IT department in one company on West side Indpls.
~ really good in routing and IP add. Stuff.

Now u know how I feel. Don’t bother asking me about my profile. If only I could take a snapshoot of my face that night, mmmm…the question in my mind that night “can I survive and not becoming the loser in this class?”
Lucky thing the instructors brought up that we will be working in team. So me and Dean is in one team, goshh..working with all these guys, they were awesome and really help me a lot..it became more fun in each class. we have to deal with blaster issues and some other stuff at the begining but it was good..good.good.gooodd
Event though they always ask me all this killer questions but I passed..heheh..victory!. I have to because I don’t want to be the loser, I admit being the only gurl in that class is not easy but they help me lot. and Dean is such a wonderful teammate. We have a lot of fun as a class, with our 2 incredibly amazing instructors. Introducing Mr. Dave D and Mrs. Connie C both have been in the area for more then 6 yrs and they profile were really² good.

Well I guess I have to stop here for today, I’ll continue later on with 4 other classes. Right now I have to focus on my 1ft final paper that will start tomorrow at 8pm. Wish me luck ppl

posted by lisanwar at 9:27 PM

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