d' Unwithering Flower...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

How can I start?

~ Sunday: Chong was able to walk, talk and hug Makcik and a group of friends who came to visit. A big improvement compare to Saturday. Makcik overnight at the hospital last night on Chong's request.

~ Chong went for his third surgery this morning. Alhamdullilah everything went well. He came out from surgery around noon and around 5 he already awake and talking to his nurse[sms from Makcik]. They took skins from his hands and legs. Others? Let’s pray for his recovery when smooth.
~ Makcik overnight at Sarimah’s place tonight since I have to be at Keystone area early tomorrow morning.
~ And I hope this is not too late for my thank you note. I would like to thank everyone who helps me out, from preparing food for Makcik, temankan Makcik, pick-up/hantar dia when I’m in class or in the middle of something, place for her to overnight when sometime our plan clash also bring her for lunch/dinner. Thanks a bunch on every single thing that all of you have help. It’s a long list – food? You name it from bread, jelly, peanuts, fruits, kinds of nasi -nasi lemak, biryani and I guess she had nasi bukhari last night for dinner [if not she will be at Frie’s house having gulai ikan patin masak tempoyak, daging masak kicap, asparagus goreng with scallops and green bean chinese style], bihun, karipap, kuih cara, pajeri nenas, ayam goreng etc etc. Telling you the truth it’s been quite some time our fridge tak overload! Also for those yg bawakan barang from Purdue yg dia pesan. Thanks to MSD Chicago, friends in Purdue, families/singles in Indy. Not to forget my dear roommates, Beth and Ying for being so understanding, sporting and cool. You guys were awesome, luv u both! Thank you so much you guys, you helped me to help Makcik. I really² appreciate your kindness/assist/help. It’s a long list of people and if I miss anyone/anything, my humble apologies for that but thank you so much for lends a hand. It just so overwhelming with helps, doa etc..etc and trust me I can go on and on and on.
~ Btw, Makcik cell number if anyone need to reach her via call or sms [317] 332 6225.
~ Thanks again everyone, I’m done for today. Take care ppl! Thanks again ^_^
p/s: Makcik pesan kalau sapa² nak container balik, pls let her know before she lost count ^_^

posted by lisanwar at 1:43 AM

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