d' Unwithering Flower...

Monday, December 15, 2003

Got this from Annie..
FINALS => F**k I Not Actually Learn Shit

But oh well..I am so done with this year..just came out with my last final of this semester..again it was on UNIX..but it’s good.. hope I did well…cross my fingers tight..heheheh…

What else? mmm..eewyn plan on having party at Fusion at 11pm tonight..I think I’ll pass since I have to go to Avon, baby-sit kak suli’s kids. She will be working tomorrow, so might as well sleep over tonight..

still have no plan for winter break..This coming Saturday will be in IU for my senior commencement and later that day off to Purdue for couple friends commencement..
Come think about it, I do feel sad..well..Purdue ATU2 girls was the first group of friends that I know, even though I contact them almost 10 months after I been told that there are gurls at Purdue..at that time..seriously malu, segan..serious segan...takut pun ada, but bila dah kenal..menyesal tak contact awal²..they are so nice and friendly.. but 3 years had passed and now they are graduating…actually two of them already in Malaysia…I am sure going to miss those girls..all the best!

..will be continue..off to school for a while…

posted by lisanwar at 5:09 PM

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