d' Unwithering Flower...

Friday, April 30, 2004

Park 100

Its 6:12pm – still at Park 100, waiting for virus detection on one of the programmer’s computer. Have to get it done since we are launching the new version tomorrow. Had a long talk with Aga about culture and she was curious on how men can married up to 4? Yup, interesting huh! But not quite.

Not really in the writing mood, just it feels odd that today is the last day of CyberLab weekly meeting. We had grill out for today’s lunch, something different, our department chairman also join us. Next week there will be no more CLab, how I’m gonna miss that. By this time next week, I’ll be done!! ^_^
How time has passed. Well better for me to continue with my 453 paper it’s due tomorrow and I have couple sections left. Orait then ppl, good luck final! And did I mention the Spring’04 Commencement will be on MAY 9 same day with Mother’s Day. The ceremony will be at RCA Dome! For all graduating seniors, CoNgRaTuLaTionS!! 4 year in college - DONE!! Are you ready to face the ‘real world’ …hehhehe..good luck ppl, all the best + god bless.


posted by lisanwar at 7:29 PM

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