d' Unwithering Flower...

Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 ~ thanks for the memories

Yes I know, its been while there was no updates. Nothing! A complete silence, sorry people, there was a lot going on. I’ll sum up some of the highlight here coz to tell all again, is just too painful just to think of it again..so let it be ~~

Why I was away for quite some time? Well it all start when I got a sms at 3am and quote “meli…baby aku meninggal..” a very dear friend of mine lost her baby and the following day I receive another news from another good friend who lost her mom..all and all there was a lot of call going back to Malaysia..

Followed by audit…well that was fun, you all know how audit week is like right, the madness etc..once done with audit, one of my extended family here are leaving for good.. that was tough..another gbye, another journey home..

And now here I am..the last day of 2007..seriously, Dec 31 is not my favorite day, it bring back all the memories..the good, the bad and the worst part is to remember those ugly memory..lets keep in singular ok (mmmm..do I have one this year? Oo ya..my very 1st accident!)

2007 has been another adventure year..i did get some and lose some..did I manage to fulfill all my so call resolutions? Yes I did! some at least.. 2007 was not all love in the air..oh im in cloud 9(even I pray so hard it be that way) and what not, of cause there was tears but Alhamdulillah, I manage to handle it, maybe at this age, u just have to, here’s no choice! 12 months in 12 sec ~~

Jan – decision2?! to stay put or continue the 7yrs journey?
Feb – resign from one of the best company in the world!
March - fly back to States
April – new family, new friends..Southeastern style!!
May – some of the toughness time this year (wake up and smell the roses)
June – homesick attack!!
July – new job, awesome position and loving it!
Aug – Welcoming Akif to our family
September – Grad school, here I come!
Oct – Balik Msia!!
Nov – 1st accident
Dec – “Mummy and Daddy” leaving on a jet plane

So, the end of 07’ marks that some plans are not meant for it to be for this year..maybe in 2008? Who knows right..what I can say, I’m very thankful for what its worth, everything that meant to be, it must be for a reason, and I hope it better be for a damn good one! Alhamdulillah I manage to put a strong face when I was put on some very difficult task, and let’s not open that close chapters. And not to forget all my families and friends who always there for me no matter what, its scary sometime that they know me so well, even via IM, they know how miserable I am on the other side of the screen ^_^ thanks all for always stand strong behind my back, keep my head up and kiss the troubles away…luv u all to the max!!!

as quote from Dell ~
azamku thn ini adalah utk tidak berazam lagi!!
But I think that’s too cruel to the nations..so let at least have one ^_^

So ppl..
have a Happy 2008, hope all your dream will come true this time around ~~yammmsengg!!! (I miss the old gang!!!)
insyaAllah I’ll write more (hey! That one of my resolutions) See you in 2008 all!!!

p/s: I love u
posted by lisanwar at 10:39 AM

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