d' Unwithering Flower...
Sunday, April 06, 2003
comment from a junior, somewhere in midwest...
April 1, 2003
wa alaykumussalam warahmatullah
kaifa haal semua?
yes akhi, it is certainly a right incumbent upon every Muslim to
preserve the deen as it is. With due respect, jazakallahu khayran for being
responsive. And certainly in this, there are lessons for all of us, and
we thank Allah for the benefit gained.
So I'm taking one of the lessons here. (Although I feel that there is a
need in emailing a guide to choose a husband/wife according to the book
and sunnah, heh ;))
lakin, here is a summary on a webpage about joking. I believe we need
to know the dos and don'ts in practicing it. ( hey, I do joke too. :)) And
come to think about it, Islam is a perfect religion -- it covers all
aspects including how to joke!
1) The circumstances under which joking is dispraised.
2) The circumstances under which joking is prohibited.
3) How the Prophet sallallaahu ?alaihi wa sallam would joke.
4) How his companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, joke.
5) Joking with ones? family.
feel free to surf
wassalamu alaykum,
take care semua,
and another one from a senior...
April 6, 2003
just my opinion on this matter...
i can't agree more with what muhannad said, BUT
berdakwah pon ader caranya, & kalau reply all, itu
lebih memalukan lynn..bukan berdakwah...
guna la cara berhikmah sikit...jangan nak main hentam
orang jer tak tau pasal...dah le bukan lynn the actual
writer, die forwardkan jer.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud "Serulah manusia kepada
jalan TuhanMu dengan hikmah dan pelajaran yang baik
dan bantahlah mereka dengan cara yang baik
Sesungguhnya TuhanMu yang lebih mengetahui mengenai
siapa yang tersesat daripada jalanNya dan Dia yang
lebih mengetahui orang yang mendapat petunjuk".-
[al-Nahl :125]
** but there's some msg/mail that i can't post!! hhhiihihhi..anyhow..thanks guys!
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