d' Unwithering Flower...
Monday, January 19, 2004
Don’t hate the players, hate the game…

It’s official that Patriots will be facing Panthers two weeks from now in Houston. Yes, Colt's
lose to Patriots for the second time this season but it Ok, at least we made to AFC. Indianapolis Colt’s were at the top 4!! It was an awesome season for Colt’s. They did prepare and play their best in New England but luck was not with us. Weather is one of the reason why we did make it to Super Bowl
Although we have to admit that Patriots is a good team. It was a tough game, Tom Brandy really make it happen yesterday. Not to forget Ty Law, damn his good!! Oh well, we did try and we will be back next year for more victory and it will be another great season. As for now let’s wait for the great game on February 1, 2004.
“Dear Colt’s,
Congratulations for such a great season and the spirits of winning that you show us. Go Colt’s coz we Believe in Blue.”
Our tribute to Colts Football Team..
posted by lisanwar at 1:25 PM
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