d' Unwithering Flower...
Monday, October 11, 2004
Guess who's back...

After almost one and a half year disappear, we decide to welcome back Association of Malaysian Students @ IUPUI. Actually AMS never die, it just there, untouched since we have more activities outside campus. Our own time to get together, have dinner, play soccer or volley ball, event when to road trip. It just unofficial. Anyhow, we’re back. Website still under construction.
p/s: Jagz, I need pictures of soccer + volleyball, trip to Michigan, Raya + CYN Dinner at Siow’s and Eewyn’s, Fusion, F-1, Farewell Naresh, Vanent Wedding..etc²
**Picture was taken at Malaysian Culture Hour, Oct. 8, 2004. Only half members present since were given 5 days notice, most already have something in their schedule. However we manage to pull this event with 6 kinds of dishes complete with 4 desserts and Air Sirap. Best thing is AMS sets new record, the largest crowds for Culture Hour in 4 years!**
~~Congratz All! ~~
posted by lisanwar at 8:54 PM
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