d' Unwithering Flower...
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
GoBLe-gObLe DaY iS bAcK

Huloo ppl,
Ready for some serious Turkey day? In fact, I just had Thanksgiving lunch with my department today, it was fun all the instructors and students get together and eat! Some instructor cancel class due to happy mood..see..happy instructor = no class..it's a slow day today..nak kerja pun tak ada mood.. Last Friday I had Thanksgiving lunch with UITS ppl, gosh..2 turkey lunch in less then a week! Lucky thing it just once a year..
For some just can't wait for after Thanksgiving sale..heheh..so do I..tak sure what to buy but just want to go somewhere..the truth, I haven't set a plan yet but one thing for sure I'll be out from Indy..happy happy..I may drop by my Aunt place in Ft. Wayne, that will be fun...after almost 1 1/2 years tak jumpa..I sooOO have to visit her..kalau tak sure kena bebel lagi..
Well..got to send some email before the day end..and crab just remember..I have a project due tomorrow by midnight..have to finish it by tonight..hopefully..
Well ppl, I'll update more later..if I get back..if not..Have a nice + safe Thanksgiving ..Stay warm and as quoting from Dot “Go easy with the Turkey..”
qlin ~ no more pumpkin pie pls
posted by lisanwar at 5:12 PM
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