d' Unwithering Flower...
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Al-Fatihah buat nenek...
Pagi semlm terjaga after mimpi about my grandma..she's been sick for the past week..then rasa tak sedap hati..call papa...and there goes the news.. "lisa, nenek is no longer with us..." I was stun..after a while cakap dgn papa, he passed the phone to my mom..dengar je "assalamualaikum.." dan berderai lah air mata yg mmg tunggu masa je nak jatuh..mama try to comfort me and face the fact that nenek already gone...masa call tu diaorg baru je lepas tahlil buat nenek..then dengar bunyi msger..nampaknya news my grandma pass away dah sampai kat couple of my friends..yes, mmg rasa terkilan tak dapat ada kat Msia time mcm ni..dah la I'm the only one out of country..13 cucu dia yg lain semua dah balik Msia..but then reality hits..takdir..dr. Dia kita dtg, sampai masa kita dipanggil semula...
~ email from Papa, Feb. 7, 2004 3am
"Lisa, Papa is using Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) facilities to contact you. Just to update to you about nenek. She left GH Kuala Terengganu on Tuesday morning by flight to IJN for further medical attention. What happen in GHKT was that because of her heart beat is weak i.e at 27 pause per minute (normal is around 70 to 85), so the doctor insert into her chest what is called a temporary pacer. This pacer is an instrument generated by electricity to boost her heart beat. The operation was simple and fast. It was successfully done and her heart beat goes up to 72.This temporary pacer can last for 2 weeks only, after which it has to be replaced by a battery-operated pacer. This can be done at IJN only.
Last tuesday she was brought to IJN. Upon leaving KT, she was perfect well, cheerful and with full zest.
On reaching IJN, things begin to go wrong. When she was warded around 10am she begins to show restless sign, uneasiness and discomfort. She was schedule to replace the battery-operated pacer the next day, but unfortunately she develops paru paru berair and heart infection. She had difficulty in breathing and was struggling for comfort. She was put under heavy seduction to calm her down. She is no longer conscious.
Early Friday morning, doctors detect some problem with her kidney. Upon testing, it was found out that her kidney fail to function. Thus she ends up with 1 her heart problem 2 her paru paru berair and infection and 3 kidney failure. Medically, her kidney had to be treated first through what is called as heomudylisis that is the cleaning of blood in the whole body. To do this, it is painful and the rate of success in minimal. She is now on life support that is the machine is supporting her to breath
Thus everybody agree to discontinue whatever treatment to be done to her as 1 she cannot take any more treatment 2 chances of recovery is minimal 3 her age is beyond limit of treatment 4 everybody agree that she should not suffer any more but to let her go peacefully.
At this point of writing to you 10am Saturday morning, her heart beat is getting weaker and weaker as the minute tick by. The doctor has already stopped giving her medication. What is meant is that she is coming to the end of the road at any time now. The family had made preparations in facing reality of life.
Papa wish that you will not to be too upset if nenek had to go. It's her turn. Pray to Allah so that she may go in peace. May God bless us all
~ email abang men, Feb. 9, 2004 4pm
"Dear Lisa,
Just to inform you that nenek has passed away this
morning(9/2/2004-Monday-5.15am) at IJN.
I got a call from abg mat(dia jaga nenek malam-malam)
at 5.00am saying that her vital signs were fading. And
on our way (me, papa & mama) to the hospital, we were
informed by abg mat that nenek was no longer with us.
Nenek was then brought to ayah ngah's house untuk
dimandikan/kapankan. She will be arriving in KTrg this
evening, insyaallah akan dikebumikan around 7pm.
As for some of the family members, (including me, mama
and papa) we took and earlier flight to K Trg, we
arrived at 11am. Our reason for coming back early is
to make persiapan untuk menerima jenazah nenek petang
Call mama or papa's handphone later.. My handphone dah
nak habis baterry. wasalam
abg men "
..but in other words I realize that nenek's already give me some hits that she is ready to go..I was on phone with her last month, dia banyak bagi nasihat plus cakap pun mcm bagi hits that I will never see her again..as abang men told me when I talked to him yesterday..after nenek when for her knee surgery last year, she became the prisoner of her house because she is not strong enough nak keluar berjalan and what not...even she's gone, she will always be with us because she have teach and treat all of us in special way..I think my grandma was the coolest grandma ever..and since she realize that cucu² perempuan dia semua dah besar..selalu yer tanya pasal kiterorg punya study, kawin and what not..ada satu pesan dia yg kiterorg selalu usik sesama sendiri..
"..kawin??well..tak boleh la...nenek cakap habiskan degree then kerja for a year or two then barulah kawin..."
funny huh..but it has been like our first rules bila org tanya pasal kawin..^_^
family kat Msia akan buat tahlil utk nenek for a week..I am sure gonna miss you nenek..
Hajjah Che Puteh binti Abdullah (1922 - 2004)
Al-fatihah buat nenek
Pagi semlm terjaga after mimpi about my grandma..she's been sick for the past week..then rasa tak sedap hati..call papa...and there goes the news.. "lisa, nenek is no longer with us..." I was stun..after a while cakap dgn papa, he passed the phone to my mom..dengar je "assalamualaikum.." dan berderai lah air mata yg mmg tunggu masa je nak jatuh..mama try to comfort me and face the fact that nenek already gone...masa call tu diaorg baru je lepas tahlil buat nenek..then dengar bunyi msger..nampaknya news my grandma pass away dah sampai kat couple of my friends..yes, mmg rasa terkilan tak dapat ada kat Msia time mcm ni..dah la I'm the only one out of country..13 cucu dia yg lain semua dah balik Msia..but then reality hits..takdir..dr. Dia kita dtg, sampai masa kita dipanggil semula...
~ email from Papa, Feb. 7, 2004 3am
"Lisa, Papa is using Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) facilities to contact you. Just to update to you about nenek. She left GH Kuala Terengganu on Tuesday morning by flight to IJN for further medical attention. What happen in GHKT was that because of her heart beat is weak i.e at 27 pause per minute (normal is around 70 to 85), so the doctor insert into her chest what is called a temporary pacer. This pacer is an instrument generated by electricity to boost her heart beat. The operation was simple and fast. It was successfully done and her heart beat goes up to 72.This temporary pacer can last for 2 weeks only, after which it has to be replaced by a battery-operated pacer. This can be done at IJN only.
Last tuesday she was brought to IJN. Upon leaving KT, she was perfect well, cheerful and with full zest.
On reaching IJN, things begin to go wrong. When she was warded around 10am she begins to show restless sign, uneasiness and discomfort. She was schedule to replace the battery-operated pacer the next day, but unfortunately she develops paru paru berair and heart infection. She had difficulty in breathing and was struggling for comfort. She was put under heavy seduction to calm her down. She is no longer conscious.
Early Friday morning, doctors detect some problem with her kidney. Upon testing, it was found out that her kidney fail to function. Thus she ends up with 1 her heart problem 2 her paru paru berair and infection and 3 kidney failure. Medically, her kidney had to be treated first through what is called as heomudylisis that is the cleaning of blood in the whole body. To do this, it is painful and the rate of success in minimal. She is now on life support that is the machine is supporting her to breath
Thus everybody agree to discontinue whatever treatment to be done to her as 1 she cannot take any more treatment 2 chances of recovery is minimal 3 her age is beyond limit of treatment 4 everybody agree that she should not suffer any more but to let her go peacefully.
At this point of writing to you 10am Saturday morning, her heart beat is getting weaker and weaker as the minute tick by. The doctor has already stopped giving her medication. What is meant is that she is coming to the end of the road at any time now. The family had made preparations in facing reality of life.
Papa wish that you will not to be too upset if nenek had to go. It's her turn. Pray to Allah so that she may go in peace. May God bless us all
~ email abang men, Feb. 9, 2004 4pm
"Dear Lisa,
Just to inform you that nenek has passed away this
morning(9/2/2004-Monday-5.15am) at IJN.
I got a call from abg mat(dia jaga nenek malam-malam)
at 5.00am saying that her vital signs were fading. And
on our way (me, papa & mama) to the hospital, we were
informed by abg mat that nenek was no longer with us.
Nenek was then brought to ayah ngah's house untuk
dimandikan/kapankan. She will be arriving in KTrg this
evening, insyaallah akan dikebumikan around 7pm.
As for some of the family members, (including me, mama
and papa) we took and earlier flight to K Trg, we
arrived at 11am. Our reason for coming back early is
to make persiapan untuk menerima jenazah nenek petang
Call mama or papa's handphone later.. My handphone dah
nak habis baterry. wasalam
abg men "
..but in other words I realize that nenek's already give me some hits that she is ready to go..I was on phone with her last month, dia banyak bagi nasihat plus cakap pun mcm bagi hits that I will never see her again..as abang men told me when I talked to him yesterday..after nenek when for her knee surgery last year, she became the prisoner of her house because she is not strong enough nak keluar berjalan and what not...even she's gone, she will always be with us because she have teach and treat all of us in special way..I think my grandma was the coolest grandma ever..and since she realize that cucu² perempuan dia semua dah besar..selalu yer tanya pasal kiterorg punya study, kawin and what not..ada satu pesan dia yg kiterorg selalu usik sesama sendiri..
"..kawin??well..tak boleh la...nenek cakap habiskan degree then kerja for a year or two then barulah kawin..."
funny huh..but it has been like our first rules bila org tanya pasal kawin..^_^
family kat Msia akan buat tahlil utk nenek for a week..I am sure gonna miss you nenek..
Hajjah Che Puteh binti Abdullah (1922 - 2004)
Al-fatihah buat nenek
posted by lisanwar at 11:28 AM
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