d' Unwithering Flower...
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Bukan pengecut
Untuk melalui kehidupan
Bukan penakut
Untul menghitung masa silam
Bukan bacul
Untuk mengharung masa depan..."
something to talk about ~
I was play around with my blog coding..and I fell ... Al-Fatihah buat nenek... Pagi semlm terjaga after... welcome to my world: Mon: Intern lab + class + ke... Don’t hate the players, hate the game… It’s off... Purdue Class of 2003/2004 Hope this friendship w... Got this from Annie.. FINALS => F**k I Not Actual... Hey ppl! guess what today I met with my twin ^_^..... Just before you know it… Guess what? I’m official... eiii..gerammm hey gerek..if u do read this..somet... andai sampainya waktu.. andai sampainya waktu, ak...
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