d' Unwithering Flower...
Friday, December 24, 2004
Let it snow
Nothing much to do starting today, other then going to Pacers game on Xmas. Got my week off till after New Year which is great! It’s been super busy for the past 2 months and now I have more time to breathe. Well a week is better than nothing! At first Mr. Vahim want me to join him to New York for New Year with couple other friends but due to the heavy snow the plan was cancel. So basically now there’s nothing much to do, I think it’s time to clean this house and my room. Goshh..pening kepala tengok. Mr. Vahim nak datang visit but the road condition are not advisable for traveling, well dear I think it’s better we see each other until all the snow melt. As for now, I'll enjoy my week off since it’s gonna be busy when I start back! Let it snow coz I ain't complaining [tp kalau boleh jgn la tebal² sangat]. Well ppl, be extra careful out there! and try to stay warm ^_^
qlin ~ enjoying hot choc. and movies
Let it snow by Frank Sinatra
qlin ~ enjoying hot choc. and movies

posted by lisanwar at 2:02 AM
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