d' Unwithering Flower...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Huloo..it's been awhile..yeah I know, nothing new..stuck with midterm, labs, assignments and some social event. Guess speaker at the IUPUI Campus Day last Sunday. it's all good..good..gooooooD!!
What else? Just came out from my last midterm. I think I did p.r.e.t.t.y well; what I can say result after Spring break. YooHOooo!!! Spring break is in the air!!! I have no clue why I'm so excited coz I DO NOT have any plan. I repeat -> I DO NOT HAVE ANY PLAN. Lain la kalau nak travel ke apa ke then it's ok to be excited. Right? Maybe no school; meaning no class, no lab, no assignment...emm...
It's time to be lazy but trust me I'll be really freaking bored after 45hrs. By that time; Welcome to the Sangap World...nothing to do..wake up - internet for awhile..then what?? Buhsannya!! right now I have 2 plans, tadi kata tak ada..skarang ada pulak..masalah..anyhow:
Plan A: Pergi Bloom.
Even though I no sure what I'm gonna do there, but just for the sake of going out of town but then..there..they have something call, peacefulness. If u never been to Bloom, make some time to enjoy the wonder of that small town.
Plan B: Balik Ft. Wayne.
It's been almost a year since my last visit..my aunt keep on asking if I still remember her..her favorite world "Do you have any plan to visit us town girl, we are still here in the boring town.." he he he..town girl? Emm..not sure about that aunty, nothing much in Indy actually. Most of my time will be at school and other then that I don't know. But the best thing, every time my aunt ask that killer question, my uncle will be there for me, "it's ok dear..that what engineering student are, they will go to a stage of life called `nothing else to do a.k.a nerdy!!`" hahahaha..sabar je la uncle ni..he experiences that before, since he a double E grad and he loves Purdue so much!
Or back to squre one
Stay in Indy.
Work and built the server for my lab. Serious tak ada life. Or just be lazy for a week, I don't think I can do that. I may commit suicide because of bored. Horrible nya!!! Just kidding ^_^ Maybe I can visit zoo or museum since I got discount using my student card. Or watch a lot of movie. What else can I do??
Yeah..life pretty bored since Mr. Com. and Conquer is out of town, if not sure we have plan like picnic in St. Louis with Syah and Sarimah that we had last thanksgiving break. Today is day 5 away from Mr. C and C.
Sekarang ni tgh sakit telinga laa..ada 2 org mamat ni, dr tadi tak berhenti cakap..penat telinga den..dah la kuat..adoi!!nak borak pergi la duk luar..enjoy the weather dude!!
Well I think I'll stop now..got to start on my lab. lahaii..ramai pulak org kenal mamat 2 org ni, rasa mcm reunion la pulak..pening den..ok then ppl..hang in there..there's only few days left..enjoy!!
Just a song, tiada kaitan dgn hidup/mati ^_^
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