d' Unwithering Flower...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Received email from my brother last night. Just a normal email asking how things going and when I want to come home. However, the best part of the email was about my dear nephew who just learn how to talk. I think he got the best 4 words to survive! It really make my day and more towards going home ^_^

Amirul is getting more demanding. Considering his knows four words "NAK",
"NAK-NAK(tak nak)", "MAMA" and "DAH(papa)". Yang leceh tu kalau dia call
out "DAH" points to something (like balloons yang dijual di pasar malam) and
shouts "NAK!!"... habis... if you buat tak tahu aje and walk pass the baloon
stall, then he'll start kicking and making a fuss "DAH NAK-NAK, MAMA NAK"
and points at baloon (Tak nak kat papa, nak pergi kat mama pasal nak

we'll make sure that he can at least say Cik for Cik Lisa..nanti you balik
senang sikit.. "CIK NAK!!"

qlin~ can't wait to hear "Cik Nak"
posted by lisanwar at 5:39 PM

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